
Monday, September 3, 2012

Tech Tip- Ready for the first day of school

I want to start working with my classes on the first day of school. I don't want to waste time with a slow start. So that means, I want my computer and Elmo ready to go. My only problem - I had to unplug it all and move it off my desk for the summer. The reason- all furniture is moved out so my floors can be waxed.

My dilemma - I don't know if the tech person can make it to my class before the first day of school and get it set up. Come to find out-  I received an email saying he won't make it this year. So what's a girl to do? 

 I took a picture of the back of my computer the last day of school in June and. So now I can use that picture as reference to setting it up. I can follow and match  all the wires between the Elmo and computer and see where each goes. Me and my computer are ready for the first day of school!

Here are some of the photos I'll use to guide me in setting up my computer equipment-

Was saving pictures of the back of my computer a good idea?  Will this work for you? Let me know what you think.

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