
Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to be Successful in Art Class- Animoto Style

One of my favorite things to have my students do the last week of school is to make an Animoto slideshow titled "How to be Successful in Art Class."  The presentation explains behavior expectations in my art room and I show it the first week of art class (the following school year). I just change and update the photos, year to year. I make it an incentive and pick my top performing class help me with the presentation. One of my 6th grade classes got to make the Animoto clip last June.

I can't show you the Animoto slideshow because my students' faces can clearly be seen in it. But I will explain the concept and show you some of the 'scenes' that have been created for the presentation.

 The first half of the Animoto clip shows how not to behave in art class. The second half shows how to behave in class. It focus on three areas of the art class- how to treat their  art work, supplies and people in the class. I end the presentation with a slide explaining how their choices and effort in what they do will lead to their success in art class.

The students get to come up with the scenarios that will go in the slideshow. We have a lot of fun acting out the scenes, taking the photographs and creating the presentation the last week of school. The students looked forward to it all semester because they know one class will be chosen to make the presentation. They also look forward to seeing the Animoto slideshow in September when they're back in art class.

Here are some of the scenes that have been in the slideshow-

                        What 'Not To Do' in art class-

 'What to do in art class'-

What do you think? Would making a Animoto presentation showing behavior expectations in your art class work for you? Let me know!

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