
Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Single- Point Rubric

Hey, if you're anything like me you're always trying new things. Thinking there's a better way. Well, I've been thinking about my grading rubric a lot lately. 

Travelling between two schools, rushing around a lot trying to get prepared for lessons and spending a lot of time on grading.

That's my life! Probably yours too!

So I've been looking for a way to grade better and more efficient. Then I came came across a single point rubric and decided to give it a try.

Here's the low down on the single point rubric. 

The center column lists the Standards. I have five. Two are always the same- Work Habits and Craftsmanship. Three are empty, so I can fill them in to reflect  objectives from each individual lesson. There's also a little box that you can checked off for each Standard that's been reached. 

The right column is for you to make a comment on Standards that have been exceeded. And in the left column there is a space for you to comment on what the concerns are for the work.

I'll be trying this out to see how it goes. I can always reboot if need be.

How about you? Do you want to try out this rubric too? You can check it out and print my pdf here.

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