
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Pop Art Sneakers

If you want a good way to introduce your students to Pop Art, this is a a good lesson. And, you also get a second bonus. It integrates phys ed vocabulary with art. Yea, for that!

The kids first need to  figure out what kind of sneaker they want to draw. It could be any brand (Reebok, Nike or Adidas, etc.) or a combination of two brands.

Next, they have to think of what sport activity is important to them. It could be football, soccer, dance etc. After figuring out their sport, they need to think of two action verbs that are reflected in the sport. The laces will spell out the action verbs in cursive. (Teacher alert- the cursive is usually the hardest part for the kids.)

After the kids have drawn out their sneaker, you can then introduce them to Pop Art. I usually show them the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. This helps the kids get the idea of working with the primary colors and thick, black line. Some of the kids also like to add the Ben day dots, which I don't require in this project. They also can add two additional secondary colors to the sneakers. But the primary colors are a requirement.

I have the kids use water color pencils for this project. The samples that I've shown are not fully completed. They've been (almost all) colored in with the water color pencil, but the water hasn't been add on top yet.

Below are a couple of the sneakers that are finished. The water has been added over the water color pencils.

What do you think of these Pop Art Sneakers? Would this work in your art class? 
You can comment below.

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