
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Drawing Lesson: Close, Closer and Closest

Framing Your Image

How do you frame your image, especially in regards to other objects in your picture?

This is the question the kids have to think about when they do this project. Framing the subject of your picture can make the difference between a picture that is aesthetically pleasing and one that is not.

Pick Your Subject

Ask the kids to pick a subject to draw. They then have to draw it three times with three different views. On up close, one closer and one the closet.

The kids need to remember in the first box (close) they need to put the most visual information  for the subject's surrounding or background.

When they are drawing the last box (closest) they really need to think about the position of the subject in the picture. They need to remember that  the viewer's attention needs to focus on the subject of the picture. The background is not as important in this view.

Picking the right frame for the subject of our pictures can add interest to the picture, something that we want when we are drawing.

What do you think of this drawing lesson? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Monday, August 11, 2014

City Blocks- Drawing 2 Point Perspective

What would your favorite city block look like? That's the question I ask my classes when we start our 2 Point Perspective drawing.

You'll be amazed by how many different city blocks they can come up with!

There is a lot of measuring and working with rulers for this drawing. (Woo Hoo! Math connection.) So be prepared to give a lot of demonstrations on how to handle the rule. And keep reviewing the vocabulary- horizontal, vertical, diagonal and vanishing point.

We start this drawing by putting in the horizon line half way down the paper. Keep in mind that all building will be drawn vertically above and below the horizon line. The two vanishing points are then put on the right and left side of the paper. 

We next all draw the center building together, aligning it to the vanishing points. We also draw a building on the left of center and on the right of center together. They are both aligned to the vanishing points. 

The kids are then required to make at least two more buildings. I demonstrate how to make a building behind so its being overlapped by a front row. They can chose to do that or not. 

They are also required to draw in doors and windows, after I show them how to align them to the vanishing points. They are free to decorate them as they want.

After  at least five building are drawn, the kids can start designing their city block in their own style. They always come up with so many different kinds of city blocks, every one get to express their own style.

What do you think of our city blocks? How do you teach 2 point perspective? I'd love to hear about it!

I have another lesson on 1 point perspective.  Check it out here. And there's another 2 point perspective here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pow!!! Onomatopoeia

Roy Lichtenstein's Whaam! is a good way to introduce kids to onomatopoeia (and Pop Art). Or as I call it to make it easier for the kids to understand- sound effects.

Since Lichtenstein was a Pop Artist, we will continue with Pop Art characteristics in these paintings.

Pop Art was know for using thick, black outline and Benday dots. I let the kids know that they won't see Benday dots in any current style printing process. Benday dots come from the printing process 'back in the day' before laser printing and the printing processes we have now. 

After the kids have chosen their 'sound effect', they need to draw their 'explosion and put in  some diagonal 'motion' lines coming from the center. And of course, they can add any other extras that reflect their style.

When they started painting they are required to use the primary colors and one or two other bold, bright colors. No muted colors for this  Pop Art style project! Pow!!!

They can be painted in either tempera or watercolors. Then outlined with black sharpie. 

And here are some finished art works. Boom!!! Wham!!! Pow!!!

What do you think of these Onomatopoeia Pop Art paintings? I'd love to hear what you think of them. How do you make Onomatopoeia paintings in your art room?

I have another Pop Art style lesson. You can check it out here.