
Monday, November 4, 2013

How to Help Kids Interpret Art Work

The Art Critique 

Describing, analyzing, interpreting and judging a work of art 

The first two steps of a critique is to have your students describe and analyse a work of art using the Principles and Elements of Design.

The next step is to have the kids interpret the art work using the knowledge they've discovered in the description and analysis; along with their own knowledge of art and life.

Understanding the Emotional Content

One thing that will help kids to interpret art more deeply is, if they can recognize and understand the emotional content they are looking at in an art work. I have this poster displayed in my room that lists quite a few emotions and a visual to go with it.  

The Questions to Ask

After getting some understanding about the emotions of the art work, they should move along and ask themselves a few more questions.

-What do you think the artist is trying to say?

-Why do you think the artist made the art work?

-What do you think is the meaning of the art work?

-Do you think there are things in the art work that are symbols that have a special meaning?

-What is a possible message the artist is making with this art work?

After the students have gotten a handle on an interpretation of the art work, they can then move on to evaluating or judging the art.

How do you handle the different critique steps in your art class? I'd love to hear what other art teachers do. Let me know.

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