
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pop Art Paintings- With a Twist

Comparing and Contrasting Art

 A State Art Standard

One aspect of our state art standards requires that we  compare and contrast art styles. Yikes! How do I handle that?  

Well, here's what I came up with. This is one way I approach that standard. 

A New Twist

After watching a short video about Pop Art and a discussion on Roy Lichtenstein; I let the students choose an old master which they will eventually recreate as Pop Art. After some research, the kids should find the Old Master painting they want to recreate. They then must isolate, and enlarge a section of it  and draw that section in pencil. 

They then begin re-interpreting it  with 'Pop Art' style- using bold, flat primary/secondary colors, thick black line and the Ben-day dots. 

Tempera paint and black Sharpies work well with this project.

Here are a few samples of finished re-interpreted 'Pop Art' paintings.


I'd love to know what you think about this project.

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