
Monday, August 6, 2012

The 3 R's of Looking at Student Work

My role as a teacher should be "To Maximize the Help and Minimize the Hurt.Here are the 3 R's to help you accomplish that role when looking at student work.

Review- First, you should determine the goals the student is to achieve regarding the project's objectives. Then you need to determine-  Did the student accomplish what they set out to do?

Examples- "Do you have 2 patterns in the painting? Did you use earth tone colors?"

Reward- Praise the aspects of the project that are particularly well done.  Then explain why- what specifically in the project is worthy of praise? In other words, be specific about what was done well.  No generalities or vague comments here ('good job', 'well done'), they don't appear authentic.

Examples- "You did a great job blending the analogous colors. You have a really a smooth transition of color."  " I like how you have a variety of sizes in your circle pattern."

Respond- Analyze what you see, what you feel. What needs to be worked on? Offer suggestions; provide examples of how changes can be made. Make suggestions to improve, don't just keep pointing out problems. Trust that the student can figure out ways to improve their  own work. You're their to lead them to their answer, not tell them the answer.

Example- "Do you think the diagonal lines are lined up to the vanishing point?" "Do you think the trees in the background should be bigger or smaller than what's in the foreground?

What do you think about the 3 R's? Would they work in your class? Can you think of another R?

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