
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Do You Need An App That Helps With Art Vocabulary?

Do you have any ELL students in any of your art classes?  I do, I have a group of ELL students in one of my kindergarten classes. And I have found an app that helps me to reinforce my art vocabulary with those students who are in the process of learning English. I wanted to share it with you.

It's called Decide Now! I heard about the app on Twitter. (Sorry, I can't remember who was tweeting about it.) It's not really made as an educational app. It looks more like a Wheel of Fortune that you can spin around. But I've been able to use it to reinforce art vocabulary.

You can change the labels on the wheel to what ever you want it to have. On the two above I decided to insert shape and line vocabulary words.  

Once a week I get to work with the ELL kids in a small group. And every once in a while I let them play with the Decide Now! app to work on their use of  art vocabulary.

The kids take turns tapping the green button on the center of the wheel. It spins around and lands on one of the vocabulary words. They then have to say what the word is and draw the what ever word is chosen. It could be straight line, curvy line or zig-zag line. Square, rectangle or leaf shape.

Below are some of the drawings the kids made using Decide Now! to practice their shape and line art vocabulary.

What do you think about this app? Would you use it in your art class to help with vocabulary?

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