
Monday, January 21, 2013

Notes On The 'Design Process'

I'm reviewing the Design Process that I have posted in my art room. I'm trying to see if there is an easier way to communicate the steps to my students. I want to make sure I'm presenting it in the best way possible.

Here's the notes I'm putting together. I don't know if I'll do anything with this yet. I'll keep it in my journal and I'll have it to work on in the future.  

How do you tweak what you do in the art room? Do you have a design process that works for you?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Simple Student Evaluation- Make a Point

The Critique

Critiquing your own art work is a big part of becoming a better artist. It helps you to see what you've done well and what you need to work on. I know the kids don't like to do it. At least that's what they always tell me. But it is big part of the artistic process. How will you ever get better? You need to take an honest look at what you have created.  The good, the bad and the ugly.

Make a Point

Here is one part of my critique process. I call it the 'Point Sheet.' It helps them to begin to make judgments about their art work. And practice their writing skills.

The students have to look at their art work and make two points about it. The first point is what they are proud of in their art work- called 'A Point of Pride.' The second point is what they need to work on a little more- called 'A Point of Polish.'

This is a simple, little worksheet that gets students thinking about what works and what needs to be improved in their art work.

Do you have a critique process you use? How do you have the students evaluate their work? I'd like to hear from you.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hand Print Class Poster

You don't have to do art just in art class.

This is a poster that we made in my 6th grade Advisory class. And everyone in my Advisory class took part in making it.


We started with a blue poster board background and florescent paint. Every advisory member takes a turn and gets to add their hand print. After the hand print dries, they get to sign their name next to it.

Next, we used construction paper scraps to cut out the confetti shapes that were glued on after the hand prints dried.

Lastly, puffy googly eyes (less than $2 at Walmart) were glued on to the painted hands along with scrap paper smiles.  

What do you think about this class poster? Do you have a class poster that you make? I'd love to hear your ideas.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Drawing a Texture Teddy Bear

Working With Texture

I always have a hard time thinking of projects that let the students work with texture. These little bears seem to do the trick. Maybe it will work for you too.





Practice First

First, we draw our bear and practice putting concentric shapes inside the bear parts (stomach, feet, arms, head, and ears). We then do more practice; making textures lines (fur) from the outside  to the inside of the concentric shapes.


When they feel comfortable with all the practice,  I have the students figure out some cold weather/holiday gear for their bears to wear. After all of this, they are ready for their finals.
For the final, the texture fur is made with ultra fine black Sharpies. The clothing is colored in with fine point Sharpies.

Some students made the Teddy Bears into a card and others mounted them as a picture.

A rough draft and a final

On my Presentation page you can view my Prezi that has a more in depth explanation.

I'd love to hear about your texture projects.