
How To's

Art teachers need to show a lot of visual presentations to their students to explain art concepts. is a great way to make presentations to introduce an art lesson. 

It's easy to use and it has a lot of options in the look of your presentation. After you have created your Prezi you can download the presentations to you school computer or use the Prezi app on an iPad.

Here are some of my how-to lesson presentations. 

See examples of My 'Scream' lessons.

See examples of my Texture Teddy Bear lesson.

How to Draw 3D Boxes

See examples of my 3D Boxes lesson.

Here are some examples of art history presentations that deal with understanding symbolism in art. 

Here is a presentation that explains the symbolism of the painting The Arnolfini Marriage. 

The Arnolfini Marriage

This presentation explains the symbolism of Grant Wood's American Gothic.

American Gothic

See examples of my American Gothic lesson.

Here are some examples of integrated Art/Social Studies lessons.

Here is a presentation for my dragon lesson that explains the differences in the symbolism between Western and Eastern dragons.

Chinese Dragons

See examples of my Chinese Dragon lesson.

This is a presentation explaining about the techniques of Aboriginal Folk Art.

Aboriginal Folk Art

I'd love to hear what you think about any of these presentations.

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