

Hey, there. Glad you stopped by! I'm Barbara. And that's my Papillon Bailey.

I love art! It started at about age three. Do you know what  my first memory is? Looking at an art book.  And now that I'm an elementary (and former middle school) art teacher; I guess, I'm hoping to pass my love of art on to my students.

  I also dabble here, part time as a blogger. 

And this is my 'why' for writing this blog.

Drum roll, please... This blog is for all you art teachers who want to pass on a love of creating art to their students, but... have a limited budget.

If this is what you're dealing with, 
I understand where your coming from. 
Because I've been there!!!

Like you, I'm always striving to make art lessons that challenge and develop the creativity of the kids in my art room. But it's not always easy when the 
 budget is tight.

 Oh yes, I do get a lot of donations.  I've also gotten some grants. They both can enhance my program. But you can't plan a curriculum around 
donations and grants. 
They don't always show up regularly.

So here's my hope for you, as you read my blog: 
 If you're working with a tight budget, I hope you'll find something here that will work for you and
 your art class. 

Thank you so much for stopping by my little spot here on the internet. You can also say 'hello' to me on Twitter at @art_inklings or Instagram at @art_inklings.

Or if you have any questions,  you can get in touch with me by the form below.


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