
Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Flag, Fonts and a Vision

I found an image of the American flag on Pinterest that I really liked. I somehow wanted to create an art lesson based on it.


Creating a Vision

After a while I finally figured it out. I would use Malala Yousafzai, the 13 year old Pakastani girl who was shot by the Taliban because she was an education activist, as our inspiration. I showed my class some of Malala's quotes that reflect her vision for the future of Pakistan. 

Class Discussion

We then had a discussion about the meaning of her quotes and her vision.

        "I dreamt of a country where education would prevail." - Malala Yousafzai

        "I want to see the people of Pakistan educated, employed and given their rights." -Malala Yousafzai

This discussion then led into a  another discussion about the early days of the USA and what would have been the vision of the fore-founders for our country. We also discussed there have been certain points in our nation's history when visionaries have stepped forward to inspired our country with their words of inspiration during difficult, changing times.

The kids then had to research quotes of various American visionaries to put onto their flags. The kids found quotes by Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and others to use.

The kids had to create three fonts (one in script) to use on their flags. The blue field and the red stripes were painted in water color.

What do you think about this flag lesson? You can comment below.